Ever wondered why the title of the mocking bird is called To Kill A Mockingbird ?
The novel is titled that way because, the story itself is about a human's emotion. The story has passion, love, fear, hope, anger, sadness, gratitude, all wrapped up into one two-hundred and eighty-one page book. It describes, in unwavering precision, the emotions the two children, Scout and Jem Finch as the book progresses through itself. Fear, when Bob Ewell attacks them in the night. Awe, when scout see’s her first snowfall. Hope that Tom Robinson will be proven innocent and live, sadness, when Tom doesn’t. The title of the novel, is a direct reflection of its contents, accordingly it’s contents are in a direct reflection to the title.
In this paragraph I will describe my evidence, and then take a short remission to explain myself. My First piece of evidence, is in part one of the mockingbird. “ When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow. When it healed, and Jem's fears of never being able to play football were assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about his injury.” ( To Kill A Mockingbird, part one,page three, by Harper Lee) The emotion in that confirmation, is fear. My …show more content…
My first testimony is this- “ Next morning I awoke, looked out the window and nearly died of fright.” (To Kill Mockingbird,Page sixty-five, by Harper Lee.) The emotion in that sentence is fear. My second fact is this. “ grieving, child? Why, I hated that old cow barn.” To Kill A Mockingbird, Page seventy-three, by Harper Lee.). The emotion in that sentence is hate, which is an emotion that describes anger. In my very last piece of evidence for this paragraph, is this, “ His face flushed angrily…”( To kill a mockingbird, page one hundred and eighteen, by Harper Lee.)The emotion in that sentence is