Mayella's version of the story differs from Tom`s version of the story. Mayella offered a nickel to break down some old furniture and to bust up a chiffarobe. Mayella stated that as soon as Tom came in her house and said tom forced himself on her. Also she stated he was trying to choke her and beat her. Mayella states that she tried to fight him off. Mayella's testimony states that all this happened. Tom Robinson`s view of the case was different from Mayella Ewell. Mayella ewell accused Tom of raping her. Mayella invited him into her house to help break down some old furniture and help out around the house. Mayella asked Tom if he can bust up a chiffarobe. According to Tom she tried to knock him off the ladder and hug and kiss him. Tom states that he ran out the door and fled. Tom testified this all that happened. …show more content…
The differences between a white man and a black man on trial is the way they are treated.
The white man would have better treatment. The prosecutor calls Tom a boy as a sign of disrespect. The white man would have been called by their name and respected. If this was a white guy on trial he would have won over a black guy In this essay we learned about racism in to kill a mockingbird. Tom view of the case was way different from Mayella ewell view of the case. There was a lot of racism in the