Food: seeds, nuts, fruits, plants (gatherers)
Eventually: small to large game (hunters)
Hunting = working together, tools, and communication
Hunting = migration, move from Africa to Asia
Homo sapiens – 100,000 to 400,000 years ago first appear
What is the Neolithic Revolution?
Neolithic Revolution: agricultural revolution. The switch from hunting and gathering to farming.
Agriculture and life style change Men = hunters
Women – take care of children, gather plants and fruit for food.
Knowledge that seeds = food = BREAKTHROUGH!!!!!
Raise wheat, rice, barely, millet
Domestication of animals
Leads to plow and fertilizers.
From hunter gatherers to food producing = Neolithic Agricultural Revolution
Causes of the Neolithic Revolution Change in Climate Rising Temperature Drier land for farming
Population Boom
What does farming provide that hunting doesn’t?
Early Farming Methods Slash-and-burn farming
Ashes fertilize the soil
After a year or two move to another area of land.
Farming Develops in Many Places Africa: Nile River Valley
India: Indus Valley
China: The Huang He River Valley
Mesopotamia: Fertile Crescent
Ch 1 Sec 2: Where were these ancient civilizations? Economic Changes Surplus of food meant people had more free time
Artisans (crafts people) created valuable new items (cloth, pottery)
Traders profited from a wider variety of goods to trade
Social Changes People worked together to solve problems build irrigation systems farm land create cities (urbanization) Creation of cities leads to government Some consider: calendar, tools, and writing/reading (education)
Social classes emerge 1.Concept of private property Division of labor (specialized jobs)
Religion becomes more organized Worshiping gods & goddesses, not