Topic Sentence: In the beginning of the novel, through his interactions with Boo Radley, Jem learns not to judge a person based upon appearances.
- “Malevolent phantom” lack of empathy - Pretend games- mock his life - “Dined on raw squirrels”- judged
Quote: (talking to Dill) “’strike a match under him.’ I told Jem if he set fire to the Radley house I was going to tell Atticus on him. Dill said striking a match under a turtle was hateful. ‘Ain’t hateful, just persuades him-‘s not like you to chunk him in fire,’ Jem growled. ‘How do you know the match don’t hurt him?’ ‘Turtles can’t feel, stupid.’” Pg 14
- Doesn’t/no feel (Jem lempathy) NH
Transitional: Jem uses his own reasoning after being guided by an adult to expand his thinking of Boo.
- D, Fence- experiences trapped (empathize) - Knothole- q+r who? “Hush a minute, I’m thinking”
Quote: “Before Jem went to his room, he looked for a long time at the Radley Place. He seemed to be thinking again.” Pg 35
- Thinking Boo feelings- empathy - Long time- really cares
Transitional Sentence: Jem recognizes that Boo’s reality is not a “monster” who makes others him victims.
- Cement- cry- HR- locked animal - Before mock friend, “sir” human
Quote: “he stood there until nightfall and I waited for him. When he went in the house I saw he had been crying; his face was dirty in the right places, but I thought it odd that I had not heard him.” Pg 63
- Jem step skin- RHR while - Contrasting freedom that Boo is trapped - Empathetic- crying