As people grow in life, they mature and change in many different ways. Harper Lee is the author of To Kill a Mocking Bird. This book is about Scout Finch and her life in the 1930’s in Maycomb County, Alabama. Harpe, shows how Scout matures and progresses in this book along with many other things. For example Scout, the main character, realizes her town is racist after the Tom Robinson trial. Harper also informs the reader about things Scout does not understand throughout the book. One of the things she demonstrates is the reason why Jem, Scout’s brother, is acting different. She does not know what people act like at that age because she is a lot younger, so all of his behavior is new to her. One of the other examples Harper shows is the very unique relationship between Miss Caroline, Scout’s teacher, and Scout. They would like each other, but Miss Caroline’s teaching strategy is bad for Scout because she is able read.…
Scout, a very unique girl, was taught many of the things she knew by her father, Atticus. Atticus in many cases nurtured her mind, conscience, and individuality. While most girls wore dresses and had proper manners, Scout wears overalls and climbs trees with Jem and Dill. Scout, meanwhile, prepares to go to school for the first time, an event that she has been eagerly anticipating. Once…
Scout is a very unusual little girl, both in her own qualities and in her social position. She is unusually intelligent in many ways that is far more advanced than the other children who she associates herself with for example she learns to read before she is anywhere close to beginning school, and she is unusually confident for her age as you can see from the story she never backs down when it is time for her to fight boys without fear or remorse for their feelings, which is a normal quality for a young man of the area but most certainly not of a young lady, she is also unusually thoughtful she consistently worries about the essential goodness and evil of mankind and its effects on the common man no matter what race or color, and she always tries to act from a highly educated standpoint and with the best intentions for all who are involved. In terms of her social identity, she is unusual for being a tomboy in the prim and proper Southern world where the girls are all expected to have absolutely nothing to do with the life of the immature and annoying young men of the community of Maycomb.…
Throughout the novel, Scout starts out as an ignorant boyish girl. She had no knowledge of the world and relied on her brother. At the end of the novel, she becomes more ladylike and less selfish. The lessons she learns are all in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. One of them is to judge a person, you have to look at things from their point of view.…
The first trait scout is portrayed to be is literate. She is above her peers expectations when it comes to her literacy. Scout says “She discovered I was iterate, and looked at me with faint distaste”(Lee 17). Miss Caroline, Scout’s teacher, is in distaste because she was yet to see a young literate child, and because of this, Scout gets unwanted tension between…
Scouts education level is higher than most first graders. Scout loves to read and she spends most of her time doing it. She even has the ability to write in cursive. Scout proves her intelligence towards the beginning of the novel when she is in school. Miss Caroline is…
She demonstrates this improved attitude through her comprehension of Atticus’ eloquent speech. Scout takes Boo upstairs to say goodnight to Jem and then walks home with him. As she is leaving the Radley house, approaching the porch, just for a moment, she imagines the world from his perspective. Her level of maturity already this far in her life supports her better understanding of her father’s speeches. She clearly demonstrates her acknowledgement when she says, “Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough” (Page 374). Scout took Atticus’ lesson and utilized it in her situations, she considered aspects from Boo’s perspective and saw a whole different side. Undoubtedly, Scout achieved a distinct new behavior and insight on…
Atticus has nurtured Scouts mind, conscience and individuality without bogging her down with social hypocrisies and propriety. Atticus's hands off parenting style has lead Scout to be wearing overalls and climbing trees with Jem, her brother and Dill their neighbour. Instead of wearing dresses and learning manners like any other girl in her same position, she has been able to grow up freely and with out much baggage. Despite being very intelligent (she could read before she started school), she does not grasp social niceties, this is shown when Scout goes to school and bluntly tell her teacher Ms Caroline that one of her class mates Walter Cunningham is too poor to pay her back for lunch. "You're shamin' him, Miss Caroline. Walter hasn't got a quarter at home to bring you" pg 24 Scout upset from being told off at school starts to fight Walter Cunningham but Jem intervenes and invites Walter for dinner. During dinner it is revealed to her that Walter's family may be poor but doesn't mean that they are bad people and should be treated with respect. Scout realises not to be judgemental and should treat all people, big or small, poor or rich with…
In part one of her timeless novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee shows how it really does take a town to raise a child, and that everyone around you can make an impact on your life. Before the trial begins, Scout comes into contact with different characters that influence her and teach her life lessons. Through her interactions with Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Mrs. Dubose she learns empathy, optimism, and courage.…
In the first few chapters, Scout is shown to be a child who means well, but lacks the tact to not make her statements and explanations rude. This is shown when she is trying to explain the financial predicament of the Cunninghams. She tries to explain why he has no lunch by saying "He's a Cunningham" (p 26) and saying nothing else. She is rude when she later has to explain to the teacher, and she is punished for her rudeness. Later on in the story, when Walter Cunningham is eating lunch at the Finch's house, she openly criticizes him about his eating habits (p 32). This rudeness earns her another punishment, this time from Calpurnia.…
Scout is said to have learned reading all by herself: “I never deliberately learned to read, but … now that I was compelled to think about it, reading was something that just came to me” (p. 23). Since not many children can read at that age, and particularly don’t learn it without help, this shows that she is an intelligent girl. By fighting boys who are older than her (p. 30) and resisting her father’s orders (p. 204), it shows everyone that Scout is very self-confident and brave: “Catching Walter Cunningham in the school yard game me some pleasure, but when I was rubbing his nose in the dirt Jem came by …” (p. 30). Given that she never wants to harm anybody, she is a good-natured person. Scout behaves curious and fascinated concerning Boo Radley.…
In To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee illustrates determination through Atticus Finch’s ability to do what is right at all costs because he wants to set good examples. First of all, Atticus defends those who aren’t able to speak for themselves or for those who aren’t understood. Evidence of this assertion from the book is, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”- (pg. 39) Atticus defended Miss Caroline when Scout told him about Burris Ewell; Atticus told Scout to look at things from Miss Caroline’s perspective. Atticus knew that people shouldn’t tease Arthur Radley, so Atticus made sure his children didn’t make fun of Arthur. Atticus defended Mrs. Dubose and explained to Jem how she was the bravest person he ever knew. Second of all, Atticus accepts the trial of Tom Robinson even though the town is against him. Evidence of this second assertion is, “This case, Tom Robinson’s case, is something that goes to the essence of a man’s conscience-Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man.”- (pg. 139) Although Atticus knew that Tom Robinson was going to be guilty, Atticus still wanted to defend him. If Atticus couldn’t hold up his head in town, Atticus couldn’t represent this county in the legislature. He couldn’t even tell Scout or Jem not to do something again because Atticus could never ask them to mind him again. The town was against Atticus for defending a black man, but Atticus didn’t cave into the negative comments they were saying about him. When taking the case of Tom Robinson, Atticus took the responsibilities of protecting Tom. One of the times when Atticus protected Tom was when Atticus sat outside the jail late at night with a gun to protect Tom. Last of all, Atticus makes wise choices in regards to his children. Here are two evidences of this last assertion. “You might hear some ugly talk about it at school, but do one…
Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird” explains the ways in which individuals are limited and trapped by the assumptions of others. In the novel “To Kill A Mockingbird” Tom Robison, Scout, Jem, Boo Raddley are all individuals that are limited or confined, due to the difference in their looks others assume they are different. Individuals are labelled by others in their society by how they are different from the “in” crowd. They are not considered equal to everyone else due to who they are and what they look like. These differences make others assume that they are inferior to them, so that they don’t quite fit in with society.…
Prejudice is a real life problem in the world, and in To Kill Mockingbird’s novel this problem is evident in May comb. Boo Radley, Atticus finch and Tom Robinson are all victims of prejudice.…
Mockingbirds are placid, blissful, and vulnerable animals. They do not harm anything or anyone. Killing a mockingbird resembles sin to many people throughout the entire novel. In To Kill a Mockingbird many characters can be characterized as being a mockingbird, including: Tom Robinson, Arthur (Boo) Radley, and Charles Baker Harris (Dill). Mockingbirds do not deserve any form of harm or pain in any way, shape, or form. Innocent humans do not deserve to be abused or threatened by anyone or anything.…