English 1 Honor’s
13 March 2014
Courage (TKAMB) What is courage? Courage is the ability to conquer fear or despair or to be brave. In the novel, “To Kill a Mocking Bird”, by Harper Lee, courage is shown throughout book. While not all characters seemed to be courageous, one can easily separate the frivolous entities from the immoral ones. Although many characters exhibit this trait, Jem, Authur Radley, and Atticus were the most potent. Jem represents the idea of bravery throughout the novel, and his definition of bravery changes as he grows older. At the beginning of the novel, Jem’s idea of bravery is simply touching the Radley house. It was a dare and he’d never declined on in his life. As the story progresses Jem learns a lot about bravery from Atticus with the Tom Robinson case. Jem’s most courageous act is when the mob confronts Atticus at the jail, determined to kill not only Tom but also Atticus, if necessary. Jem refuses to obey his father for the first time in his life. Scout says,” in the midst of this strange assembly, Atticus stood trying to make Jem mind him. ‘I aint going; was his steady answer” (Lee 153). It was very brave of Jem to disobey his Atticus; it had to take a lot. Authur Radley appears to be a venerable character throughout the novel. However, in chapter thirty, Harper Lee helps the reader understand him.
At the end of chapter thirty Mr. Tate says, “I never heard tell that it was against the law for a citizen to do his upmost to prevent a crime from being committed… All the ladies in Maycomb includin’ my wife’d be knocking on his door bringing angel food cakes. To my way of thinkin’, Mr. Finch, taking the one man who’s done you and this town a great service an’ draggin’ him with his shy ways into the limelight- to me, that’s a sin” (Lee 276).
Heck Tate is simply trying to protect Authur Radley because of his shyness and obvious fear of being social. During, the altercation Authur is the one who stabbed Bob Ewell. Boo is very brave for overcoming his fear to save Jem and Scout. Even though Harper Lee doesn’t directly say this, the reader can infer from the text. This gives the reader more clarity of what kind of person Authur really is. After reading this novel, many readers may think Atticus was the most courageous character throughout the book. He is a very cordial person and always keeps his cool. Atticus doesn’t like criminal law, yet accepts the appointment to Tom Robinson’s case. He knows he is going to lose because of the simple fact that an African American was accused of raping a white woman. The whites of Maycomb should be mortified. Atticus says, “every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally” (Lee 78). Atticus is very brave for accepting this case knowing it’s dangerous. He knows that it could affect the well-being of his children, but still wants to do the right thing. All the whites in Maycomb want to see Tom Robinson dead, but Atticus knows the truth and what’s right. He isn’t scared to let anyone know what’s right either.
As you can see these three characters show courage throughout “To Kill a Mockingbird”. Readers can learn a lot from this book and these lessons can sometimes be life changing. It gives one a different outlook on how things were during this time. The real question is will one be as brave as some of the characters in this novel. Racism and prejudice still exists today but will one have the courage to speak up for what’s right and not care what anyone thinks? It takes a very strong individual to stand up for what’s right.