Answers are to be written in complete sentences and in present tense.
(Page numbers: First number is for the new publication of the novel; the second number is for the older publications of the novel).
Chapter 1
01. Why is Dill a curiosity? (12;7) His shirt buttons to his shirt; his hair is snow white; he has seen a movie, Dracula, which he retells to Jem and Scout.
02. Where is Dill’s father? (12;7) He does not have one. His mother, it is learned later in the novel, is divorced.
03. What do the children enjoy playing the most? (12;8) They reenact the story of the Radley family as they know it.
04. Why does Boo Radley have the reputation of a “malevolent phantom”? (13;9) He hangs around with the Cunningham’s and is arrested with them for driving around the town square backwards; resisting arrest, and is suspected of being drunk. He is said to be alive, but no one has seen him outside in a long time.
05. What is Boo’s real name? (16;12) Arthur Radley
06. How does Jem describe Boo’s appearance? (17;13) He is six and half feet tall; he eats raw squirrels and cats; his hands are blood- stained from eating raw animals. He has a jagged scar that runs across his face; he has yellow jagged teeth, and drools all the time.
07. What dare does Jem take? (18,19; 14) He runs up to the Radley house and hits it with his hand.
08. Why do the children obsess about getting Boo to come out of his house? (18,19;14) They want to see what he really looks like.
Chapter 2
01. What instructions does Jem give Scout on the way to school? (20;16) At school, she is not to bother him or talk to him.
02. Describe Miss Caroline Fisher. (20;16) She is a First Year teacher who is 21 and dresses in red and white; Scout thinks she looks like a peppermint.
03. The children of Maycomb do not appreciate Miss Caroline’s story about the cat, why? ____Yes or _x__No: Miss Caroline understands the community in which she teaches. (21;