References: Arnold, N. & Ducate, L. 2006, Future foreign language teachers’ social and cognitive collaboration in an online environment. Language Learning & Technology, 10(1), 42-66. Beaudoin, M Brooks, M,L. 2002, Drawing to learn. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Alberta: University of Alberta, Canada. Reviewed on February 6, 2013 from: Dabbagh, N Engineering Subject Centre, 2011, Deep and surface approaches to learning, Higher Education Academy , viewed 5 February 2013, . Atan, H, Szalina, D., Idrus., R, 2003, The effects of collaboration in the constructivist web-based learning environment of an undergraduate physics course. Malaysian Journal of Education Technology. University of Sains Malaysia. Vol.3 No.1 Hatano, G Hiltz, S. R. 1997, Impacts of college-level courses via asynchronous learning networks: Some preliminary results. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 1(2) John-Steiner, V.,1997 Johnson, L., Levine, A., & Smith, R. 2009. The 2009 Horizon Report. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Palloff,. M. R, Pratt, K, 2005 Collaborating Online: Learning Together in Community. John Wiley & Sons, Jossey- Bass, San Francisco CA. Preece, J Sutton, L. A. 2001. The principle of vicarious interaction in computer-mediated communications. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications 7 (3): 223-242. Swan, K., 2003, Learning Effectiveness: What the Research Tells Us Wilson, B.G. 1996. What is a constructivist learning environment? In B.G. Wilson (Ed.)
References: Arnold, N. & Ducate, L. 2006, Future foreign language teachers’ social and cognitive collaboration in an online environment. Language Learning & Technology, 10(1), 42-66. Beaudoin, M Brooks, M,L. 2002, Drawing to learn. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Alberta: University of Alberta, Canada. Reviewed on February 6, 2013 from: Dabbagh, N Engineering Subject Centre, 2011, Deep and surface approaches to learning, Higher Education Academy , viewed 5 February 2013, . Atan, H, Szalina, D., Idrus., R, 2003, The effects of collaboration in the constructivist web-based learning environment of an undergraduate physics course. Malaysian Journal of Education Technology. University of Sains Malaysia. Vol.3 No.1 Hatano, G Hiltz, S. R. 1997, Impacts of college-level courses via asynchronous learning networks: Some preliminary results. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 1(2) John-Steiner, V.,1997 Johnson, L., Levine, A., & Smith, R. 2009. The 2009 Horizon Report. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Palloff,. M. R, Pratt, K, 2005 Collaborating Online: Learning Together in Community. John Wiley & Sons, Jossey- Bass, San Francisco CA. Preece, J Sutton, L. A. 2001. The principle of vicarious interaction in computer-mediated communications. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications 7 (3): 223-242. Swan, K., 2003, Learning Effectiveness: What the Research Tells Us Wilson, B.G. 1996. What is a constructivist learning environment? In B.G. Wilson (Ed.)