Heat is the transfer of energy from a hot object to a colder object, such as when toasting a slice of bread. The heat transfers onto the slice of bread which results in warm toast. When the slice of bread is heated, many things change; for example, the texture turns crunchy, the bread hardens, and the colour darkens. Where does the toast get its heat from? The toaster.
A toaster is an electric small appliance designed to toast sliced bread by exposing it to heat. When a slice of bread is inserted into the toaster, the toaster uses infrared radiation to heat the slices of bread. What gives the heating element energy? Electricity.
Electricity is a type of energy that can build up in one place or flow from one place to another. The electricity that a toaster uses is current electricity, which flows from one place to another. The toaster’s power cord is plugged into the power outlet and this allows the electricity to flow into the toaster. Where does electricity come from? From many different places, but in B.C. electricity mainly comes from …show more content…
hydroelectric dams.
Hydroelectric Dam
A hydroelectric dam is a special type of power plant that uses the energy of falling or flowing water to generate electricity.
The water is directed over a series of turbines that use the its energy to rotate the turbines. The rotating turbines are attached to generators which convert the rotating motion into electricity. What gives the hydroelectric dam its energy? The water reservoir.
Water is a transparent and nearly colorless chemical substance that is the main component of Earth's streams, lakes, and oceans. The energy of moving and flowing water can be converted into electricity, which can be used in many ways.
Bacon is a type of meat that comes from pigs, and it is taken from the sides, back, or belly of the pig. Bacon is eaten on its own, as a side dish, or used as a minor ingredient to flavour dishes, such as a sandwich. Where is bacon available for purchase? The
Cheese is milk made into a solid form that is edible. There are many types of cheese, such as cheddar, swiss, and provolone. The type of cheese depends on if the milk was from a cow or a goat, if the milk has been pasteurized, the amount of butterfat, bacteria, and mold in the cheese, how the cheese is made, how much fat is in the cheese, and how old the cheese is. Where is cheese available for purchase? The store.
Lettuce is a vegetable that is very healthy to eat, and both the stems and the leaves can be eaten. Lettuce is often eaten cold and raw, in salads, hamburgers, tacos, sandwiches, and many other dishes. Where is lettuce available for purchase? The Store.
Bread is a type of baked food. It is mainly made from dough, which is mainly made from flour and water. Bread is often baked in an oven. Bread can be toasted or used to make sandwiches. Where is bread available for purchase? The Store.
A store is where merchandise is kept and sold, which is usually a product, mainly on a retail basis. Depending on the product, it must be stored at the right temperature for the duration of its shelf life. How does the store get the product? Transportation.
Transportation is the movement of humans, animals, and goods from one location to another. Transportation is important because it allows trade between people and businesses to happen. The types of transportation of goods include trains, trucks, cargo ships, and cargo planes. These transportations need fuel, which gives them energy so they can operate. Where does the transportation get its cargo from? From many different places, but since were talking about a sandwich, then its the farm and the bakery.
A farm is a piece of land used to grow crops or raise animals. The farm’s primary objective is to produce food, and this food can be sold to make money. There are many type of farms, such as orchard, vineyard, dairy farm, ranch, plantation, feedlot, and poultry farm. Some farms sell their products to business far away in urban areas, which is called industrial farming. What gives the farm its revenue? The products that are grown at the farm, such as pork, milk, lettuce, and wheat.
A bakery is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food, that are baked in an oven, such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. A bakery uses flour to make its goods and then it sells them to customers, the market, or business. What essential ingredient do bakeries need in order to operate? There are many essential ingredients that bakeries need, but wheat is the most important.
Pigs are mammals that are in the genus Sus and Suidae family of even-toed ungulates. Pigs are omnivores and are very social and intelligent animals. Pigs are eaten as food called pork or bacon. Pigs come in lots of different colors, shapes and sizes, but they are usually pink. Pig farmers take care of the animals, so they don’t get diseases or parasites which might harm humans. Pigs are raised and taken care of in a pig farm, and when they are the right size and age, they are slaughtered. The meat is then sold to a customer, business, or it is put on the market.
Milk is a white liquid made by mammals, such as cows. It is made in the mammary glands of female mammals. Milk has many nutrients and has a rich source of calcium. When the milk is taken from the animal, it goes through a process called curdling, and this process creates cheese. The cheese is later sold and to a customer, business, or it is put on the market.
Lettuce Seed
Lettuce seeds are seeds that grow lettuce. Lettuce seeds are purchased and then planted into the soil at the right time of the year. Seeds must be the right environment in order to grow, and require the correct nutrients, which are sunlight, nutrients from the soil, and water. When the lettuce is fully-grown and looks healthy, then it is ready for harvest. The lettuce is then sold to a customer, business, or it is put on the market.
Wheat is a cereal grain and people eat it most often in the form of bread. Wheat is important because it makes flour, which is essential for making dough, which makes bread. Wheat grains are purchased and then planted into the soil at the right time of the year. The grains are then taken care of and are given the nutrients required to grow. When it is fully-grown and healthy looking, then it is ready for harvest. The wheat is later sold to a customer, business, or it is put on the market in return for cash.
1. “What is Heat?” The Physics Classroom, www.physicsclassroom.com/class/thermalP/Lesson-1/What-is-Heat.
2. “How does an electric toaster work?” Explain that Stuff, 25 Sept. 2017, www.explainthatstuff.com/electrictoasters.html.
3. “What is electricity?” Origin Energy, www.originenergy.com.au/blog/about-energy/what-is-electricity.html.
4. Perlman, USGS Howard. “Hydroelectric power: How it works.” Hydroelectric Power: How it works, USGS Water-Science School, water.usgs.gov/edu/hyhowworks.html.
5. “What is water?” EXtension, articles.extension.org/pages/60575/what-is-water.
6. “Find Out Where Bacon Comes Really Comes From.” The Spruce, www.thespruce.com/what-is-bacon-p2-1806994.
7. “Eat Wisconsin Cheese - How Cheese Is Made.” How Cheese is Made | Cheesemaking | Wisconsin Cheese | Eat Wisconsin Cheese, www.eatwisconsincheese.com/cheeses/how-cheese-is-made.
8. “Lettuce.” Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Encyclopedia.com, www.encyclopedia.com/plants-and-animals/plants/plants/lettuce.
9. “Bread.” Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Encyclopedia.com, www.encyclopedia.com/sports-and-everyday-life/food-and-drink/food-and-cooking/bread.
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11. “What is Transportation?” Australia & New Zealand Supply Chain Consultants, www.logisticsbureau.com/what-is-transportation/.
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13. Singh, R. Paul, and Samuel A. Matz. “Baking.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 2 Sept. 2016, www.britannica.com/topic/baking#ref501342.
14. Bradford, Alina. “Pigs, Hogs & Boars: Facts About Swine.” LiveScience, Purch, 24 Apr. 2015, www.livescience.com/50623-pigs-facts.html.
15. “What Is Milk? - Milk - ProCon.Org.” Is drinking milk healthy for humans?, milk.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000801.
16. Saving Lettuce Seeds, urbanfoodgarden.org/main/seed-saving/seed-saving-methods/seed-saving-methods--lettuce.htm.
17. McMahon, Mary, and Niki Foster. “What is Wheat?” WiseGEEK, Conjecture Corporation, 4 Mar. 2018, www.wisegeek.org/what-is-wheat.htm.