Jon Olson
3 Black Tobacco
Tobacco to me is a horrible thing. There are many ways you can use it as well. Tobacco is in a lot of different things. There are cigarettes, chewing tobacco, hookah, and many others. Tobacco leads to a lot of different types of problems, such as diverse cancers, lung and mouth problems. What is the point of using this harmful substance then? There are over 1.5 million smokers that are seventeen or younger. Many people believe that the native Americans started smoking. There are many uses of the tobacco leaf. There are a lot of dangers to think if your about to inhale or chew a big dosing of tobacco. First, there are many types of illnesses that cone from this drug. Second, the cost of tobacco is always increasing, as well as amount consumed. Third, you can be very easily hooked onto using tobacco. The native Americans were said to use tobacco or smoke for different purposes. When the Spanish came to America they were introduced to smoking and liked it,so they took the idea back with them to Spain. During world war one smoking became more and more popular. In Europe tobacco was smoked and used as snuff. Tobacco is very addicting. The nicotine in tobacco is what causes this terrible addiction. There are many problems and issues a human being can gat from tobacco usage. All different types of cancer such as lung, larynx, oral cavity, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, kidney, liver, leukemia, prostate, stomach, cervix, endometrial, and breast cancer. Smoking can also cause strokes and severe respiratory problems that include pnemonia, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and more. Tobacco also causes birth defects, reproductive disorders, stained teeth and fingernails, wrinkled skin, and bad breath. What doesn’t smoking give you is the question? Cigarettes are a problem with many automobile accidents. Smoking takes away their ability to drive cautiously and safe. Children who smoke are much more likely to try and abuse other drugs as well. Tobacco can and does cause death. More than 8,000 people die a week from tobacco use alone. That is more than 400,000 deaths annually. Second hand smoke can be lethal as well. The use of tobacco kills more Americans per year than alcohol, heroin, crack, automobiles, plane, train accidents, homicides, suicides, and AIDS combined. Experts have estimated that about 24 million men, 22 million women, and about 3 million teenagers smoke. Everyday close to three thousand young people under the age of 18 become regular smokers. And on average smokers die seven years younger than non smokers. Smokeless tobacco is a nasty habit. It is a big industry in the professional sports world. In the U.S. twenty two million people, 25% of them young men, use smokeless tobacco. Smokeless tobacco also known as chew or snuff has a lot of problems and health issues also associated with it. Some effects of snuff are cancer in the mouth, leukoplakia, receding gum disease, tooth loss, numbness and deterioration of tissue of check and gums, taste and smell deterioration, and more tooth wear and tooth decay. Peoples jaws have had to be surgically removed cause chew messed their mouth so badly. Oral cancer strikes about thirty thousand Americans annually. This form is often discovered late, only 50% of the victims live more than 5 years. People who chew tobacco become as addicted to nicotine as people who smoke cigarettes. Personally I don’t think any of these health hazards are worth smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco. It doesn’t make sense on how people can hurt their bodies like that and practically watch themselves slowly Deteriorate. People simply should not become addicted or have any reason to use tobacco cause it has nothing positive about it.
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