One could find a person smoking anywhere outside the buildings throughout college. This is one of the most mentioned topics when students and professors discuss about this new policy. It was something that went on very frequently. Many students, faculty, and visitors were passively smoking involuntarily for the mere reason that many others were smoking. In the other hand, we have the people who smoked, and were used to do it on campus for so long. This was a big and crucial change that they will have to adopt as a rule on campus.
The American College Health Association (ACHA) has recommended that colleges adopt a tobacco-free campus policy to create a healthier and greener environment for students, faculty, staff, visitors, volunteers, contractors and service representatives, stating it "acknowledges and supports the findings of the Surgeon General that tobacco use in any form, active and/or passive, is a significant health factor…Environmental tobacco smoke has been classified as a Class-A carcinogen. There is no safe level of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke." …show more content…
That is why smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes are included in the policy. As one can see, it is not a concern of the form taken but for the effect it causes. In the case of smokeless tobacco, it contains at least 28 cancer-causing agents. It can lead to many negative outcomes, including oral cancers and nicotine addiction, as well as an increase in the risk of cancer and stroke. In the case of e-cigarettes, there is a big lack of scientific data on its safety. Until this is clarified, e-cigarettes will remain banned on