Lesson Plan created for Use with:
Lesson Plan Written By Allie Daniels
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Objective: Students will learn to identify feeling and mood words and will practice verbalizing how they feel.
ASCA National Standard Domain: Personal/Social Development
Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others. o PS:A1 Acquire Self-knowledge
PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings
Today I Feel Silly: and Other Moods that Make My Day, by Jamie Lee
Attached Feelings Sheet
1. Go around the room (or classroom) and ask students to verbalize different feelings they have today. Ask them if it is normal to have more than one feeling in a day.
2. Read Aloud Today I Feel Silly and pause at each illustration to ask the students what they think the feeling is before reading the passage.
3. After reading each passage, pause to ask students when they have felt this way to share with the group or class.
4. Ask the students about the body language and surroundings of the little girl and why they think she looks that way. (Ex: If she is draped over her bed upside down with a frown on her face, I don’t think she’s too happy!)
5. After some passages, ask students to show you what the feeling face looks like on their own face. Make the face yourself if they have trouble.
6. At the end of the book, ask the students to take turns practicing what they currently feel on the emotions wheel on the back cover.
1. Ask students to list new feeling words they learned today.
2. Ask students if it is normal to have lots of feelings in one day and remind them that if they have a bad feeling (mad or sad) that they will probably be happy again soon and can use a coping skill to get there quicker.
3. Have students practice their feeling words with the attached sheet.
Practice drawing a face for