On a nightly basis, teens stay up past midnight to keep up with schoolwork to maintain their grades. The medical journal of Pediatrics declares, “About fifty-five percent
of American teenagers from the ages of fourteen to seventeen have reported that they were getting less than four to seven hours every night.” The pressure teenagers are under not only affects their mind but also causes their body to be weary and overworked. The overall stress built up on targeted teens and young adults can cause health issues such as depression or anxiety disorders.
While the stack of homework given on a daily basis keeps teens up after midnight, the addiction of smartphones is another cause for restless nights. Teens that use the numerous apps of social media in the late hours of the night causes disruption to their sleep. On top of the stress and exhaustion, teens just want to excel in class and make high achieving goals. Bruni proposes that teens need room to breathe and to relieve the stress from the amount of pressure put on their shoulders. In conclusion, the amount of sleep a child, teen, or young adult receives really has a huge impact on their life's.