The movie opens where a girl named riley is born, her parents looking at her as their bundle of joy. Riley feels happy and a “core memory” is formed. The movie also shows some developmental milestones of Riley and highlights the basic emotions happiness, anger, fear, disgust and sadness. Each emotion has its importance. Joy is the primary driver of the “control center,” representing the excited, explorative nature seen in normal developing children. Fear and Disgust, we are told, keep us safe. For instance, Fear keeps Toddler Riley from tripping on an electrical cord. Disgust protects us from being poisoned “physically and socially.” We don’t put bad tasting things in our mouths thanks to Disgust, but we also stay away from
“toxic” social situations –people who gossip about us, people who are mean, people who lie or betray us–due to the social repulsion those interactions cause us). Anger in the form of frustration is a constant figure in Riley’s infancy and early years; simply dropping a spoon can cause an outburst of anger.
We can see how Riley’s personality is formed throughout her early childhood, and how emotions play a part in that formation. Important events like bonding with her father, being soothed by her mother and reaching developmental milestones create memories. Those memories are the building blocks of Riley’s fundamental personality traits (called “Islands” by Joy in the movie). The Islands are named Family, Honesty, Friendship, Goofball, and Hockey and they are fundamental aspects of what makes Riley who she is. (Bronfenbrenner’s theory: micro system)