The possession of knowledge is also part of a much larger picture being that in some cases it can affect a large part of our society. For instance, the acquired knowledge that individuals have today provides them with the means of power to change the structure of the world we live in today in the way they feel is appropriate. These types of people include scientists, researchers, and doctors. A good example to depict how the possession If a scientist were to find a solution to one of these diseases, they would be faced with the decision of either sharing his research or withholding the discovery until an offer of a substantial sum of money is offered. As the French philosopher Voltaire once said, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Hence, the ethically responsible choice would be to reveal his research as he has the power to save or improve the lives of countless individuals. However, could one’s reasons for
Bibliography: Books: Galilei, Galileo, and Maurice A. Finocchiaro. "Philosophical Prelude." Galileo on the World Systems: A New Abridged Translation and Guide. Berkeley: University of California, 1997. 47. Print. Voltaire. Jean, Adrien. Beuchot, Quentin and Miger, Pierre, Auguste. "Œuvres de Voltaire, Volume 48". Lefèvre, 1832 Websites: Flanders, Nancy. "Sex Selection Abortions Shock Us, but Abortion of the Disabled Still Justified." Live Action News Opinion RSS. Live Action, 9th Feb. 2012. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. Novella, Steven. "Science-Based Medicine." » The Hidden Cancer Cure. David Gorski, 23 Feb. 2011. Web. 09 Mar. 2013.