Sincere and genuine tolerance brings Enrichment and Joy !
Your life expands ! You start to "Travel" unknown spaces, and experiment with original and unexplored territories.
Why ?
Because intolerance is a force that is limiting.
You are limiting yourself and others to one belief, one way, one trail of thoughts, one reference, one aspect, one approach, one understanding, one kinship, etc.
But, when you are tolerant, you relax and expand.
Your perspective on life and people stretches.
It enlarges and calms your Heart as well.
Because you welcome all.
You love all.
Emotionally, you know that All Is Well.
It is a very pleasant and soothing emotion.
It also increases the capacity of your Intelligence.
As you are no longer restricted in extent or scope, or confined within any kind of narrow space anymore, illumination comes into your Mind, visions and many inner doors start to open.
And new Worlds let themselves be known to you.
Worlds that were there all the time, but you passed by their doors so often, not even noticing them because you did not listen. You did not pay attention.
You were too busy focusing all your Energy in your own unique and only way.
Tolerance is like going up in a Montgolfier/ Hot Air Balloon !
I recommend this to everyone.
Now the question arises that how can it be achieved? Here are some suggestions to improve tolerance in our society:
1. Fighting intolerance requires law:
The State must also ensure equal access to courts, human rights commissioners