4.01 “The Devil and Tom Walker” Questions
Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (18 points)
1. Who is the author of “The Devil and Tom Walker”? washington irving
2. What is the setting of the story? boston Massachusetts country side
3. Whose treasure is buried in the woods? Deacon Peabody
4. Why didn’t this person come back and get his treasure? He was under the influnece of the devil
5. What do you think the word miserly means? being shady
6. What did Tom Walker find at the old Indian fort? he finds a bundle tied up in her apron
7. Name three things that describe the person (the Devil) Tom met in the woods. (Example: his color or what he was wearing) he is an older african wearing the traditional styled shaw with a night gown styled hat holding an axe 8. What do the names on the trees represent? (Crowninshield and Deacon Peabody) that they share the same common rotten core both crown, an peabody were bad people 9. Name three events in which “Old Scratch” or the Devil was present. when tom was on peabody property, when him an his wife met him, and when he was at his front door
10. The Devil offers Tom the treasure for Tom’s soul; however, Tom goes home to think about the deal and, at first, turns it down. Why? because he wanted to talk with it about his wife, or find a better way to get the treasure 11. Tom Walker’s wife disappears; what does she take with her, and what is the only thing Tom ever sees of her again? her apron 12. What is the climax of the story? when toms buissness takes off
13. When Tom decides to make the deal with the Devil, besides his soul, what else does the
Devil want him to do with the money? (Hint: Tom turns this deal down.) he wants to say that he earned it an that the devil didnt give it to him
14. What job does Tom take when he accepts the Devil’s deal? Explain what this job is.