Keet is a mean person. In the book on page 43 it says “You traitors got something I should know about hidden in that pit?” Secondly on page 45 it says “I’m …show more content…
going to get you fired… Alright no problem, but I’ll be back to watch them kick your sorry self back to the dump you came from.” This means that Keet Wilson is a pretty mean person to spit insults like so to people he doesn't like. But on the other hand Tomi is a nice person. In the book on page 47 it says “We sat in the dirt, leaning back against the side of the building. Rico winced as he gingerly lowered himself, trying to squint and look tough, which made me laugh. He would do anything to keep from looking sissy. I had to admire him, though.Sitting on a shot-up okole was pretty manly” Secondly on page 56 it says “Rico get out! This could be sewer water. It could infect your wound. Clean it good when you get home.” This mean that Keet is a mean person, doesn't care if he hurts anyone's feelings, and Tomi is a nice person sticking up for and caring about his friends.
Keet cares what other people think of him.
In the book on page 195 it says “Well I haven’t seen them do anything together in a long time, if that's what you mean. That’s what I mean. That’s why the boy do stupid things. Don’t matter what, just so long as the daddy notice… if he cracks that whip perfect in front of his dad, then his dad will say, Good, Keet, nice job-you sure know how to crack a whip. That's what the boy wants” In addition on page 17 it says “We used to be friends, me and him. But around the beginning of sixth grade that easy world caved in and I quickly turned into his worst enemy… Billy thought he knew. It took me a week to force it out of him. Keet Wilson had been told by his friends at school white guys weren't supposed to like Japanese guys, so what was he doing hanging around me?” This means that Keet wilson really cares about what others think about him. But on the other hand Tomi doesn't care what people say about him he doesnt let it bother him. In the book on page 12 it says “We got second looks everywhere we went, hooded eyes watching, wondering. Is this one a spy? That one? What are they planning next? It was crazy.” This means that Keet cares what people think about him, but Tomi
Keet is not the most hardworking person out there and uses his maid (Tomi’s mom) to do the household chores. In the book page 71 it says “You never did listen. Neither does your mama. I tell her how to make my bed and she always does it wrong. Must be something messed up about you people… some part of your brains missing?” This means that Keet doesn't do the household chores of his house he just uses the maid while he lazyly sits around or goes out with friends, but Tomi works hard to do the household chores because he doesnt have maid and was taught to work hard, plus Tomi works as hard and as much as he can to bring up the Taiyo Maru. In the book on page 87 it says “On Saturday, Billy, me, Mose, and Rico went down to work on the boat. This time we wore shorts and brought the four goggles so we could all go in the water… We removed the easy parts from the Taiyo Maru and dried them out in the sun. Later we’d take it all over to the hiding place we made in the weeds and trees out near the street” This means that while Tomi works hard to get what he wants Keet can be lazy because he is rich.
Keet is different from Tomi, because unlike Tomi, Keet is mean, cares about what other people think about him, and has a maid to do his chores. Whereas on the other side Tomi is nice, does not care what other people think of him, and is very hardworking. So Keet and Tomi are two opposite sides of the spectrum but they have a few similarities.