In the argument that Tomlinson puts forward in his critique, I want to look at and analyse the different positions he presents when considering a globalised culture, “a single, unified culture encompassing the whole world” Tomlinson (2004a pg 22). He commences by moving away from the “utopian global visions”(2004b pg22) of cultural globalisation to the late-modern idea that is broadly debated today in considering global integration, focussing on the critique of the overall “masterful scenario” of cultural domination that Hannerz (1999 pg23) speaks of. Various theories about the impact of global integration on cultural diversity are covered in regards to cultural homogenisation, for example Robert Holton’s work on the options of assimilation, rejection and amalgamation (see Inglehart and Norris 2009 pg13) of culture, and I want to look at the validity of such theories. Culture definined by Raymond Williams as one of the most complicated words in the English language (see Allen and Skelton 2009 pg 2). Karim Murji (2008 pg 157) describes it simply as “what is distinctive about a group, a community a nation or a people” that is to say their “way of life” “It embodies their ways of making sense of the world, the meanings that they attach to things and practices, and how they are expressed.”
One aspect of Tomlinson’s critique is on western culture, and westernisation. The debate that Tomlinson discusses in his writing is in criticism of the idea of a “master scenario” of cultural domination (Hannerz 1999 pg23), looking at it and considering the uncertainties that may mean that cultural globalisation is leading towards homogeneity. He brings forth the idea of globalised culture as westernised