"Tomorrow When the War began"; tells a powerful, intensive exciting, story of Ellie and her friends who struggle in the grips of war.
One of the central ideas in this novel explores the concept of evil. In his book, it is evident that evil is a result of conflict and every action in War. Ellie, the narrator in this story, changes because of war and starts to think of the seriousness of war and justify whether it is ok to kill or shoot people and whether or not it is evil. In war, killing is what you have to do for your country and valuing (saving) other people's lives. Australian lives in this novel are dramatically affected by war. Evil in particular is cruelly portrayed in the novel with a range of actions and images and themes. Ellie and her friends, faced heaps of ordeals such as accepting the idea to kill and the ugly choices you have to make. So what is evil?
(Define evil) Evil is a result of conflict and every action in war
There is no doubt that War presents itself as evil to the reader since the start of the book.
However the book suggests that neither evil is good or bad, only thinking makes it so. Evil in particular, is cruelly portrayed.
A good example for instance are the jets, seen by Ellie is described as sinister and threatening on pg 38.
"A V-shaped line of jets raced overhead, very low overhead, and then another, till six lines in all had stormed through the sky above me. Their noise, their speed, their darkness frightened me."
Another good example is when Ellie finds the dog dead at the start on page 55.
"The dogs were dead. That was my first thought. They didn't jump around or moan with joy when I ran over to them, like they always had done. They lay besides their little galvanised iron humpies, flies all over them, oblivious to the last warmth of the sun. Their eyes were red and desperate and their snouts were covered with dried froth.
This is the first time that Evil presents