Moreover, Morris Smith realized "chemicals seeping out of an unlined wastewater basin, which had contaminated one of the wells that supplied the factory with fresh water (50)." Consequently, "the company had found a way to protect its own water supply, but more chemical pollution than ever was heading downstream toward the riverside wells on Holly Street that supplied the town with its public drinking water (52)." Not only did the company affected the people in the factory, but the entire community, the air was dangerous to breathe plus the drinking water was infected. Ciba did not want to fix the problem, so all they did was selected "the cheapest possible destination: an open pit," to dump their chemical waste. Finally, without Fagin's investigation and research of the events in Toms River, one would not have known what actually happened to Toms River. All the facts he wrote, like the ones above, he fact-checked all of them, before submitting his evidence to ascertain we, the public, would receive the right and truthful information. In order for others to use his account as a reliable source. In addition, without his work of Toms River, we would be looking at possible fake news from other journalists and trying to decide which story is true and valid. Therefore, with the result of his book, he created awareness so nothing like what happened to Toms River ever happens
Moreover, Morris Smith realized "chemicals seeping out of an unlined wastewater basin, which had contaminated one of the wells that supplied the factory with fresh water (50)." Consequently, "the company had found a way to protect its own water supply, but more chemical pollution than ever was heading downstream toward the riverside wells on Holly Street that supplied the town with its public drinking water (52)." Not only did the company affected the people in the factory, but the entire community, the air was dangerous to breathe plus the drinking water was infected. Ciba did not want to fix the problem, so all they did was selected "the cheapest possible destination: an open pit," to dump their chemical waste. Finally, without Fagin's investigation and research of the events in Toms River, one would not have known what actually happened to Toms River. All the facts he wrote, like the ones above, he fact-checked all of them, before submitting his evidence to ascertain we, the public, would receive the right and truthful information. In order for others to use his account as a reliable source. In addition, without his work of Toms River, we would be looking at possible fake news from other journalists and trying to decide which story is true and valid. Therefore, with the result of his book, he created awareness so nothing like what happened to Toms River ever happens