It is easy to look back and say what were these people thinking but when you take a closer look at some of the biases involved involved the borrowers, the lenders and the investors are to blame. The system just seemed to lack the necessary checks and balances and finally spun out of control. In the end the borrowers, the highly leveraged banks and the investors (Giant Pool of Money) all lost. By failing to recognize and adjust for these biases people continued down a very slippery slope. This story serves as a great example of how biases can have major large scale negative impacts in our…
The primary issues in this case are: why did the Wall Street bankers blindly trust that the risky mortgages were good assets to invest into? And why did everyone involved allow the whole thing to go this far?…
The U.S. financial crisis has not gone unnoticed in the international world. The impact has been worldwide. The value of securities tied to real estate fell, which damaged financial institutions globally. New rules regarding appraisers, appraisals, and bank oversight have gone into place, but not in time to save many investors and foreign banks from huge losses. Many people think that this crisis could have been avoided if better regulations had been in place. Some feel that the U.S. bank/lending and borrowing ethical standards…
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest mortgage lenders in the world, lost 60% of their stock value in July 2008. The government fired the management and the feds took over both companies. Then in the beginning of September, Lehman Brothers, another investment bank, had their stock dropping quickly. It was once again toxic investments that once made them money before, but now was responsible for their company plummeting. The government would not intervene with Lehman and they let them fail. It turned out that Lehman Brothers was even more interconnected than anybody thought. Because of Lehman’s bankruptcy, no one could get a loan and everything freezes. The meltdown had begun.…
There were several factors that contributed to the market failure that can be observed as far back as the repeal of The Glass-Steagall legislation in 1998. Banks became involved with precarious investments, asset managers began dealing in high-yield mortgage-backed securities, and credit agencies such as Moody’s, S&P and Fitch presented AAA ratings on the junk securities all of which was just the start of the breakdown in the market. Then in 2006, there was a strong drive for short-term profits in which 84% of sub-prime mortgages were issued by private lending firms to low and moderate income borrowers (Swift, 2011). The lack of regulation allowed companies to write trillions of dollars in derivatives all while not reserving any dollars against future claims. Additionally, with combination of the majority of the sub-prime lenders not being obligated to the standard mortgage laws and regulations, the use of nonbank underwriters, and exempt status from federal regulations lead to the financial crisis of…
The article “A Movement Too Big to Fail” by Chris Hedges with his criticism of “faux liberal reformers, whose abject failure to stand up for the rights of the poor and the working class, have signed on to this movement because they fear becoming irrelevant”(Hedges) to the reformers along with heads of financial leaders. Through non violent movements and protests against those who threaten the lower class wellbeing, that somehow they as a group gathering for the greater interests can show that others do exist and this is their way of saying that we as a whole united can make a difference and that we as Americans have that right to voice our opinions. It happened in the 1960’s, with the Vietnam war, nonviolent protesting made known that many people of the united states were against the war. Just like what we were doing in the 60s is no different from now, when the “union leaders pull down salaries five times that of their superiors”(Hedges).…
One of the reasons for the crisis was because of immoral decisions. After The Great Depression the industry was tightly regulated. Everything was fine for 40 year’s up until the 1980’s when Don Reagan, newly appointed Treasury Secretary and former Meryl Lynch CEO, pushed for deregulation. Without oversight, companies such as Meryl Lynch, and others like Goldman Sachs, started making risky investments. This is one of the reasons why the film made me angry, but also helped me realize what actually happened. We saw these companies start to become huge and gain more power, which in turn was one reason that led to the financial crisis. In my eyes they are responsible for some of the wrongdoings because if we were still regulated, the chances of the financial crisis would have been slimmer.…
In 2007 when the housing market crashed the whole world was effected. Trillions of dollars have been lost and we are still trying to recover and make sense of all that took place. This economic catastrophe could have been minimized if the proper accounting practices had been followed and if the regulatory framework in place were unassailable. Alan Greenspan, in his evaluation of the housing crash stated, “...the financial system would have held together, had the second bulwark against crisis-our regulatory system-functioned effectively.” (Greenspan, 212) Creditors, credit rating agencies and banks were neglectful in certain areas and found loopholes in the system that eventually lead to the collapse of the financial system.…
A few years ago when Hurricane Katrina wake, many people fled the ravaged Gulf Coast were spending disaster relief paid for by taxpayers, on tattoos, expensive handbags and making trips to their favorite places. In this case the damage has already done and people are using the debit cards issues by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). The debit cards are issued to buy the necessities like food and clothing. But the damage was done and people misused its money. FEMA swore that it would never hand out money like that again.…
the mortgages Countrywide made during the housing boom were overly risky and likely to go into default. Problems…
How did events leading up to the Great Recession illustrate the significance of the Moral Hazard and/or the Principal-Agent problem? Give an example from a news article to illustrate. What could be done to minimize such problems?…
The documentary Inside Job does a very good job of explaining what happened in a relatively short period of time and in an accessible way. The film also has compelling villains and outrageous behavior that is bound to engage and enrage viewers. It 's basically an overview of the financial crisis of recent years, which we are still recovering from. The thesis seems to be that the regulations that were put in place after the Great Depression have been systematically dismantled since the Reagan years (powered by Wall Street lobbyists) which played a pivotal role in this meltdown and lesser ones in previous years. And very little is being done to fix this faulty system and the ones who should be held liable are not and still filthy, filthy rich and very powerful. The most breathtaking fact is that the arrogance, greed and corruption that these people exhibit and the fact that none of them have been indicted for fraud and violation. This film not only makes me angry but also furious. This shows concept of capitalism at its worst. It is not about right, left, democrat or republican nor the failure of capitalism, it was about pure greed and corruption. What happened and continues to this day is not capitalism. It is corporatism I think which is also known as fascism. If it were truly capitalism, there would be no such thing as "too big to fail" and there would be so many fines and prison sentences handed down it would hugely dwarf the savings and loan scandal. This film portrays lots of psychopaths that only care about one thing: furthering their own personal gain and the ends justifies the means is their mantra. Over here psychopaths means the people who are over obsessed with money and they just want more and more. There is a lot of wrong doing which is not ethical but legal because the American government helped them to make it legal like CitiGroup acquiring Traveler. Why does the financial system have to grow more complex, in the sense…
This risk was in the form of people, who normally would not qualify for a home mortgage, securing mortgages with no required down payment, no proof of income and only interest paying payments. They were able to add this risk because the recently defaulted homes now belonged to these lenders and were covered by these defaults. Mortgage brokers took advantage of this increased number of people buying mortgages, and since the way they get their money depends solely on the amount of mortgages that are sold, they were not concerned with the actual quality of these people’s purchases. Similar to the accounting profession, mortgage brokers and mortgage lenders are are part of a service industry who are responsible for providing outstanding and honest services to their customers. These customers include the public and these individuals buying homes. Sadly, money has constantly proven to be a source of concern regarding the ethics of big businesses. These businesses are run by humans who are not perfect and can be quite easily persuaded by greed. Therefore, it is of great importance to stress the importance of remaining ethical, especially during times of temptation. These mortgage brokers and mortgage lenders should have paid closer attention to what exactly they were doing…
When someone insures you against the consequences of a nasty event, oddly enough, he raises the incentives for you to behave in a way that will cause the event. So if your diamond ring is insured for $50,000, you are more likely to leave it out of the safe. Economists call this phenomenon “moral hazard,” and if you look around, you will see it everywhere. “With automobile collision insurance, for example, one is more likely to venture forth on an icy night,” writes Harvard economist Richard Zeckhauser. “Federal deposit insurance made S&Ls more willing to take on risky loans. Federally subsidized flood insurance encourages citizens to build homes on flood plains.”…
After watching all five parts of the movie, I think the global economic crisis key factor was caused by deregulation which began since Reagan administration, because it contributed to the real estate bubble and allowed greedy and overpaid banks to go on unreasonable leverage. Regulatory bodies allowed privatization of the banks, dropped the regulations that limiting the investments of the banks and amounts they could borrow. The banks, Wall Street traders and investors and mortgage lenders failed to look at what they bought and ignored risk management. When the going is good, they pocket more than their fair share. The banks borrowed more than several times of their value. Derivatives allowed the lender to repackage the loan and sell to investment banks, which in turn repackage and sell them to investors without considering if the customer ever pays the loan back, since they have their money. Banks and greedy lending groups were showered with incentives to give loans to anyone for exorbitant interest rates, and since nobody cared if the loans were repaid, the commission alone was all that mattered. The massive amount of liquidity in the system and the hunger for mortgages resulted them to repackaged the loans into collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), with numerous of them backed by subprime mortgages, then sold to investors. Besides, the ratings agencies such as Standard & Poors were paid to give them all AAA ratings, which caused many buyers to believe in what they were buying. However, long after the damage is done, the rating agencies acted too late to downgrade these papers. People cautioned that this would lead to catastrophe, but those that warned inside of the government were pushed aside by former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke…