Many people don’t believe that Border-Fencing is needed, while others do feel it is necessary that Border-Fencing be put in place. Border-Fencing is needed due to all the jobs being taken by illegal immigrants.
Building the fence would help keep illegal immigrants out and would create jobs.The southern border of the United States is shared with Mexico and spans almost 2,000 miles. In 2011, at a debate over immigration, one Republican presidential candidate signed a pledge to build double fencing for the full length of the Mexico border. However, Rick Perry of Texas, where 1,200 miles of the 2,000 miles exists, was quoted as saying, “…building a border-length fence would take 10-15 years and $30 million, and wouldn’t be cost-effective.” Adversaries of the Border-Fencing dispute that constructing and keeping up a fence through even the most isolated or hostile terrain could cost billions of dollars and maybe not even affect illegal crossings. They also include in their argument that they feel that law enforcement would tend to get comfortable in their patrolling. Thinking that the Border-Fencing would be enough to keep out illegal immigrants trying to cross over into the U.S.. Some drug runners and smugglers will find ways to get through the Border-Fencing, if they can’t go over they will try to go under.
Illegal immigrants are a growing concern for much of the U.S. Many of these immigrants are receiving government benefits even without proper documentation or proof. They are being provided low-income housing, welfare, medical benefits, able to work without a green card or Social Security number as well as many other things americans get. All these things ar e costing taxpayers thousands of dollars each year, making it difficult for American citizens to find work, causing crime rate to go up in cities across America. Medical costs are increasing each year as a result of illegal immigration making