Directions: For each line, fill in the words that describe you for the autobiography poem. When you’re all finished, you’ll get a piece of construction paper and re-write it on the construction paper. Decorate the construction paper in a way that reveals your personality or says something about you. Be creative. Use the examples that have been provided for inspiration.
Autobiography Poem for _______________________________________________
|Line 1: |Your first name | |
|Line 2: |Four descriptive traits | |
|Line 3: |Sibling of (or son/daughter of)... | |
|Line 4: |Lover of… | |
|Line 5: |Who feels… | |
|Line 6: |Who needs… | |
|Line 7: |Who gives… | |
|Line 8: |Who knows… | |
|Line 9: |Who doesn’t know… | |
|Line 10: |Who fears… |