References: Alder, G.S., Schminke, M., & Noel, T.W. (2007). The Impact of Individual Ethics on Reactions to Potentially Invasive HR Practices Greenlaw, P. S., & Kohl, J. P. (1982). Age discrimination in employment guidelines. Workforce Management, 61(3), 224-224. Retrieved from Halcrow, A Krell, E. (2007). Unmasking Illegal Workers. HRMagazine, 52(12), 49-53. Retrieved from SrchMode=2&sid=10&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VNam e=PQD&TS=1278441703&clientId=62546 Moser, M. R. (1988). Ethical conflict at work: A critique of the literature and. Journal of Business Ethics, 7(5), 381-381. Retrieved from, E., & Redman, T. (2003). Walsh, D.J. (2010). Employment Law for Human Resource Practice. (3rd Ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Webb, C. (2006). Avoiding ageism and promoting diversity at Coca-Cola. Strategic HR Review, 5(5), 8-10)
References: Alder, G.S., Schminke, M., & Noel, T.W. (2007). The Impact of Individual Ethics on Reactions to Potentially Invasive HR Practices Greenlaw, P. S., & Kohl, J. P. (1982). Age discrimination in employment guidelines. Workforce Management, 61(3), 224-224. Retrieved from Halcrow, A Krell, E. (2007). Unmasking Illegal Workers. HRMagazine, 52(12), 49-53. Retrieved from SrchMode=2&sid=10&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VNam e=PQD&TS=1278441703&clientId=62546 Moser, M. R. (1988). Ethical conflict at work: A critique of the literature and. Journal of Business Ethics, 7(5), 381-381. Retrieved from, E., & Redman, T. (2003). Walsh, D.J. (2010). Employment Law for Human Resource Practice. (3rd Ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Webb, C. (2006). Avoiding ageism and promoting diversity at Coca-Cola. Strategic HR Review, 5(5), 8-10)