With the restorative theme, I can deal with problems and I can see the big picture and find a solution. This trait can be useful when I am dealing with my teammates, coworkers, and friends where I play the role of the problem solver and a team player. Positivity allows me radiate enthusiasm and happiness that is contagious to others. I enjoy keeping things light hearted, fun, and meeting new people energizes me. In being an OL this trait can be helpful when we wake up early in the morning and make everyday number one. Through harmony I always strive for peace, consensus, and tend to be good-natured. I enjoy making others feel highly valued, creating a hospitable environment, and meeting others high standards. This …show more content…
I believe this will allow me to be the support or glue to keep our team operating smoothly and efficiently. I believe that the diversity of strengths on our team will allow us to be innovative and will allow us to give a great presentation for the students, parents and will allow us to represent our school with great pride. I plan to learn from those who have different strengths and try to incorporate there special skills to develop