Two years ago the Top-Slice Company moved from just making golf balls to also producing oversized drivers. Top-Slice makes three different models: the Bomber, the Hook King, and the Sir Slice-A-Lot. As the names suggest, the last two clubs help correct for golfers who either hook or slice the ball when driving. While, Top-Slice is pleased with the growing sales for all three models (see the following tables), the numbers present Jacob Lee, the production manager, with a dilemma. Jacob knows that the current manufacturing work cell is capable of producing only 2700 drivers per month, and total sales seem to be rapidly approaching that number. Jacob’s staff has told him it will take at least three months to plan for and implement an expanded work cell.
|Month |Bomber |Hook King |Sir Slice-A-Lot |
|April 2004 |1410 |377 |343 |
|May |1417 |381 |344 |
|: |: |: |: |
|February 2006 |1703 |485 |396 |
|March |1720 |490 |399 |
Full data could be found on BlackBoard System, in TopSliceDrivers.xls
Source: Chapter 9, Case Study, Introduction to operations and supply chain management, 2nd ed.. Cecil C. Bozarth, Robert B. Handfield. Prentice Hall.
a) Plot the graph to show the sales.
b) Select and develop one time series model for Jacob Lee.