disorder or dissociative disorder. The brain has to be studied more to completely understand everything about it so lots of stuff is unknown about these illnesses.
The definition of Schizophrenia is a break which leads to inappropriate actions, the person has a withdrawal from reality, and they mix fantasy into reality.
The cause of Schizophrenia is not really known at the moment but researchers think neurotransmitters called dopamine and glutamate have something to do with it. They also think it may have something to do with genetics, brain chemistry, and environmental problems that also play a role in developing this disorder. Help your loved ones by knowing the symptoms to this mental illness. The symptoms are delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, abnormal behaviour, they lack the ability to function correctly, they have a lack of emotion, the person started to lose interest in everyday activities, and they start to lack the ability to experience pleasure. Don’t think you have to be stuck with dealing with all of these things because there is treatments for it. Doctors may prescribe antipsychotics which is the most prescribed, antidepressants or anti-anxiety. If none of these work you may even be hostiplitized. Therapy is also an option for treatment. Someone anonymously posted on TheTopTens about this illness “I am a schizophrenic... It's the worst thing that has happened to me so far but also the best thing. Losing the sense of reality has made me appreciate what other people take for granted. Never piety a person with a mental illness, physical illness or any negative aspect they are born with as a human being, pity the ones who embrace negativity through their lifetime and die without