How could you use the family structural theory to determine if a family is dysfunctional or not? Provide evidence to support your answer.
The family dynamic is often a confusing one that varies by culture habitat and upbringing. A family systems approach argues that in order to understand a family system we must look at the family as a whole (Klein, 2003). Nurses can then increase their understanding of family life. Evaluate whether the family members promote codependent relationships with one another. Examine how they spend their time. People in codependent relationships have trouble pursuing their own interests and hobbies for fear of being alone. Instead, they spend most of their time together, even if that means fighting and arguing. Admit if there's substance abuse occurring. In dysfunctional families, drug use and self-medication are common answers to other problems. Drinking may also play a huge role in the family dynamic. Look for role reversal. In dysfunctional families, you'll often see a child acting as a parent, and a parent behaving like a child. Check for physical and emotional abuse. Dysfunctional families have difficulty talking to one another and expressing their feelings, so they may resort to violence, either physical or verbal, to express suppressed or repressed emotions. Watch for similar behavior outside of the family dynamic. Someone who comes from a dysfunctional family often has trouble breaking the cycle of dependency and abuse and will choose dysfunctional friends. They often replicate dysfunctional traits after they marry and start their own families.
Klein, D. M. (2003). Family Theory. In International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family. Retrieved from