Personal financial management seems more important now than ever-not just for family and consumers. In recent year, many countries all over the world identified the personal financial management education as a priority. For example, in US, 38 states now have personal finance standards built into their state education systems and 21 of these states require explicitly that the standards be implemented (Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association, 2006). Nevertheless, in Vietnam, such issues are still not worthily concerned. When searching the word “sinh vien va kien thuc tai chinh ca nhan” on the website, the result is just some tips for general consumers. In general, Vietnamese students are not educated about personal financial management either at school or on the internet-important sources for student to gain knowledge. As a result, students in Vietnam do not have knowledge about this issue; meanwhile, the way they spend money mostly based on their instinct.
Going to the university is the ultimate purpose of each Vietnamese student at high school. After entering university, however, students will encounter many difficulties because the habitat change and the majority of students have to live independently without parental care. In addition, students must spend most of their time in study; they do not have enough time as well as ability to make money to cover their lives. Most students have to ask their parents for money to pay for their tuition and all needs of their life. Therefore, one of the difficulties that any student faces with is controlling and spending their own money. Furthermore, students, who just have stepped into university’s door, always try to improve their performance at school and prepare knowledge luggage to continue stepping into the door of life. Accordingly, they are required to understand and grasp of their own
References: 1. Hecklinger, L., & Richard, E. (2006). New Statesman. Retrieved April, 5th , 2010, from website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_literacy 2 3. (2010). Your college budget. Student finance aid office. Retrieved April, 5th , 2010, from website://www.financialaid.umd.edu/literacy/budget/college_budget.html 4 5. Jeffery C. (2008). Spending Habits. Retrieved on 5th April 2010 from website: http://www.articlesbase.com/education-articles/spending-habits-361723.html 6 7. (2007)“Sinh viên tiêu tiền kiểu gì”. Retrieved April, 5th , 2010, from website: http://vietbao.vn/The-gioi-tre/Sinh-vien-tieu-tien-kieu-gi/75168403/475/ 8 9. “There 's no such thing as a free lunch”. Retrieved April, 5th , 2010, from website: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/tanstaafl.html APPENDICES