English 102
Topic Proposal
For my major research paper I will be studying abortion and the laws around it, both sides to the debate, and what laws could possibly be made to satisfy both parties. I chose this topic because pregnancy is something that is a very big concern to many people and I believe that the laws stating that you can terminate your pregnancy during any of the 9 months of pregnancy for any reason are way too lenient. After a certain amount of time they should be illegal as the fetus is alive. I do not believe abortion in general is bad in the early stages as the fetus does not experience any pain and is not self-aware but to wait months until the baby is nearly fully developed and viable is not right and may even be murder. My current knowledge of the subject is moderate I do not know all the laws or the exact words. During my research I will study and answer questions such as, "Why did the government legalize aborting during all stages what was their reasoning behind it?" "Are there any new groups who are in the process of attempting to change such laws?" “If so what would be a good compromise that would satisfy all parties involved?” To answer such questions and develop my research paper I will be using information and quotes from 6 achedemic/scholarly publications as well as other sources to make sure my information on the subject is comprehensive and