Agonies and Ecstasies of a training professional
Re-examination of Factories Act
HR Audit
Training and Development
Organizational change
Competency mapping
Quality of work life employee attitude survey
Training needs analysis
Induction training
Refrence: 1. Mapping training need of employees
2. Succession planning in Senior management
3. Retention strategy in a manufacturing set up 2. 1.T&D
2.Performance Management System
3.Employee Welfare Measure
4.360 degree Appraisal
5.Quality of Wotk life
6.HRD Preactices
7.Factors determinig Job Satisafaction of Employees
8.Stress Management
9.Employee retention Techniques
10.Settlement of Grieveance(Do it in Manufacturing concern)
11.Workers Participation in Management.
12.Effectiveness of Training(Do it as Research Project) 3. Here are some of the ideal leading topics of HR Project !
1. Role of HRM Department in ERP (SAP/People soft)
2. Role of HRM Department in Growing Organization.
SAP HR is highly intigrated system. Search for further information.
To write a research paper, first you must choose your topic and then do some research.
What are your interests in the field of Human Resources? What are some of the topics covered in your courses on the subject? What do you already know something about?
Do some brainstorming. Your paper will be better, and the work less burdensome, if you choose a topic about which you are genuinely interested or about which you already have some basic knowledge.
Once you have chosen a general topic, narrow your focus to a specific question. For example, if you were to settle on the topic of employee retention, you could then narrow your focus to ask something like "How have tech companies sought to retain the best and brightest workers?" or "What does the research suggest are the most important factors in the retention of