According to the “Cycle of Life” written by Tordar Booker, depending on the number of offspring different names are used to address them. The most common multiples are twin and triplets. Identical twins form when there is a change in the regular process of embryo division. Sometimes after fertilization, the embryo splits into two, create identical twins. There are many different reasons this could happen and there has actually been a rise over the years in the amount of multiple births recorded.
Booker also states that identical twins share 100% of their DNA, which means they will share the same sex and appearance. Identical twins are also called monozygotic twins or maternal twins. Although people cannot …show more content…
Weight gain causes a woman to get varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and even more severe backaches and pelvic pressure than normal pregnancies. In some cases as soon as multiple births are detected the woman may have to stay in bed for her entire pregnancy. The womb becomes so heavy it can tear the walls and cause her to have an early pregnancy. It is very important that she remains healthy. During this time it can become very hard for a family, especially if that family may already have other children. After a woman has multiple births it can become very