The first objective was tasting, describing, and identifying the flavors and textures in different foods. This was followed through in parts A and B. In part A, the foods that were being tasted were marshmallows, American cheese, tortilla chip, bread sticks, and gummy bears. Describing taste, flavor, appearance and texture was the task for this part. It was difficult to translate the flavors portion from ones tastebuds to paper, especially for tortilla chips. Trying to differentiate taste and flavor was also, again, difficult. In the text, on page 89, it states “taste relies on the sensation produced through the stimulation of the taste buds, while flavor is a broader concept.” For taste, the tortilla chip was salty, but for flavor …show more content…
Two different types of drinks were tested, in this case it was soda, and a person had to decide on which drink was sweeter. From the book on page 98, it states,”A paired comparison test is chosen because the characteristic of interest is only sweetness, nothing else.” This allows the taster to not focus on other qualities of products. Not knowing the brands or ingredients of the drinks did make the taster more aware of the differences between the drinks. If knowing the ingredients or even brands of the sodas, the correct guess rate would be higher. But, to one taster Soda 664 tasted sweeter, while Soda 332 tasted sweeter to another. This test was slightly opinion based and did have an error considering soda 332 was apparently flat which could impact the taste of the …show more content…
The food being tested was dark and milk chocolate. Using the triangle test is to see if the taster can tell which product are the same and which is different. When doing the test, the first thing that a person may look at is the differences between the products to guess which products might be the same. With the chocolate, since one was milk chocolate, JKL, and two were dark chocolate, ABC and EFG, one could see the difference in color. In the text it says on page 96, “…This method of presentation reduces the chance guessing the right answer to 33.3%.” But, if the products vary in color or appearance like the chocolates did, ones chance at guessing the right answer is higher because of the