1. Describe the main features of a traditional Quality control system.
Main features of a traditional Quality control system:
Product is the priority of the company. They are after the quantity over the quality of the product.
Inspection at the last minute facilitated by the Quality control team.
High percentage of re-working poor quality finished products.
2. Explain 2 problems that can be created when using a traditional quality control system.
Using a traditional Quality control system, these problems may arise:
High percentage of errors may arise for the reason that they are performing inspection at the last minute instead of doing it every step of the production process.
Higher costs may be the result of re-working poor quality finished product because this will be very expensive in terms of materials and labor costs.
3. Outline the main features of Total Quality Management.
Main features of Total Quality Management:
Quality is the priority of the company.
Prevention is always observed. They perform inspection every step in the production process facilitated by the Shop floor staffs.
Zero defects
Quality must be concern of every employee.
4. Why is it better to “build in quality rather than trying to create quality by inspecting it in”?
It is really better to build in quality rather than trying to create quality by inspecting it in because as they say, “Prevention is better than cure”. If we build in quality, we are surely being able to save time, energy and money as well, without sacrificing the quality of the product.
5. In the case study Meqele states that she would like to achieve zero defects.
a. What does this mean?
- Zero defect means doing it right for the first time. You cease dependence on inspection through prevention.
b. State 2 benefits of zero defects.
Through zero defects, they will be able to cut down massively on the amount of time and money they currently waste on re-working poor quality finished