The established institutions assist The Party to manipulate people in order to prevent rebellion against The Party. The three party slogans are paradoxical and contradicting, used to ruse citizens of Oceania into agreeing with The Party to avoid rebellion.Through psychological manipulation of Doublethink, citizens are dehumanized to the extent of being in allegiance with The Party, therefore preventing any act of overthrowing The Party. The totalitarian government, named The Party, uses manipulation of language in government or propaganda to break down resistance against as it controverts people to avoid overthrowing the oppressed state of …show more content…
By censoring information, people will believe all of the Party’s ideologies, when in fact the information is false by omission. Furthermore, The Party fabricates and recounts a past of misery that fools people into believing that The Party has liberated people from misery, thus tricking people to be in allegiance with The Party. In addition, citizens are forbidden from keeping documents because without a past to remember The Party can control the future and make people believe anything they want to. As a result, Winston has difficulty remembering his past because information is being controlled in order to reflect The Party’s intentions. The importance of language in the Ministry of Truth is reflected in the tight control the ministry has over it because every piece of information that is delivered to people is according to what The Party believes as true so that overthrowing the Party is near impossible to