Totem poles are statues, such as the Western Red Cedar. In North America, totem poles are part of the cultures of many indigenous people of Alaska, British Columbia and the Pacific just like in spirit bear when Cole went to Alaska to stay there for a year. Totem poles are sculptures carved from large trees, such as the Western Red Cedar. Totem poles serve many purposes beyond their looks, and their meanings are as clear as the cultures that make them. Some totem poles represent stories and people's life. Each figure on the totem poles represent stories. These totem pole are made and used by the tribes. A lot of totem poles are used to represent a lifestyle .they are also very beautiful.
There is not just one type of totem …show more content…
pole there is another type of totem pole it is called a shame pole its is used to embarrass and ridicule someone.
Totem poles are still used today and a lot of the Native Americans use them they are a way of showing their respect, totem poles are more than just poles carved at of wood they are a lifestyle and are carved with symbols or figures. They are usually made from large trees, mostly western red cedar, by indigenous peoples (northwestern United States and Canada's western province, British Columbia). The word totem comes from the Algonquian. The carvings may symbolize or commemorate cultural beliefs that recount familiar legends.
Today both short and tall totem poles are still special made by Northwestern and Alaskan Indian artists, you can buy one but they are worth money.
It is probably the single most expensive native art form there is. If you find a large totem pole being sold for less than $500 a foot, it is probably not hand carved, not made by a native artist, and maybe not carved from a single tree trunk. Even imitation totems are pricy, and spending $2000 on a cheaply made fake is in many ways less affordable than spending $8000 on a genuine artwork. If you're looking for something less expensive, that is why they are in museums and other important artifact place and they are a lot of money. Totem poles are almost like a picture they usually and always represent something family, death, school, life.
There is six totem pole that are currently used, house frontal poles, interior house posts, mortuary poles, memorial poles, welcome poles, and the ridicule or shame pole. Totem poles are still made today.Actually there are a few things that are usually used the raven (a symbol of The Creator), the eagle (representing peace and friendship), the killer whale (a symbol of strength), the thunderbird, the beaver, the bear, the wolf and the
Totem poles are almost like a picture they usually and always represent something family, death, school, life. They are not just something that someone carves because they are bored it is because they have a purpose just like we do we are not here to just to live life we all purpose and sometimes it is hard to find but it will be known one day just like totem pole they will always be known but it may take awhile to figure out but you will found out.
-Made by Allyson Boone