Mohammad Khanbashi - S3204651
Lecturer: Dr Malik Khalfan
Individual Case Study
"Tough Guy" Case Study
This case study is about the management and leadership methods of the vice president of a middle market investment bank, Hudson Smith Gordon and how these methods affected the employees of this firm working directly with the VP.
Management models and concepts introduced in BUIL 1308 will be used to analyse this case study.
In this case study, Chip Mazey, VP, uses a leadership style of forcing and opposing in order to encounter his anticipated requirements. He tries to create a false impression of power and dominance both by using bullying and patronizing combined by situational abuse.
Chip has been with the company for the last 10 years and he has made his way up to the senior management level by trying to be continually be submissive to upper management. Chip has a lot of hard skills and is a solid banker but his soft skills such as personal effectiveness, communication and influencing skills are not nowhere near his technical skills.
Chip’s negative characteristics and poor people skills create a lot of room for conflict. He puts down his employees and make fun of them. He also uses his authority by making threats in order to achieve his desired outcomes. Drive, honesty, emotional maturity and flexibility are the critical traits a leader should have in order to bring the best out of the subordinate team but he has not been able to put these traits in action and none of the employees is willing to work with him proactively. Traits and skills must be transformed into behaviour in order to achieve an effective leadership. “People Behaviour” is the one that focuses on interactions such as being friendly and supportive or showing trust and confidence in team members. All good managers do this but it seems like chip does not comprehend the importance of these qualities. He has created this