1) Major Events-
Toumai skull was discovered in 2001 it was about 6-7 million years old . Toumai is very important because it shows the split when apes where genetically splitting from humans. Which introduces the Hominins. The Hominins are individuals that are not apes but didn’t reach the necessary skills to be considered a human either. The very first hominin that moved away from Africa to change and accommodate his new living in different parts of Eurasia was the Homo erectus. The Homo erectus then opened the new doors for the human species to grow and flourish in different parts of the world.
A) Who were the Neanderthals? Compare and contrast them with H.sapiens. The Neanderthals …show more content…
How do we know this experience was important to them?
Humans shared their experience of sharing life with animals by their carvings and paintings and the artifacts that they left behind. They had a great appreciation for animals because they relied on them for companionship, food, clothing and …show more content…
Australopiths- the species that came before the classification of homo.
Bipedalism- Hominins first human like distinctive ability to walk for short periods of time.
Oldowan- A carving form that split a stone into 2 parts making the edges sharp like a knife.
Levallois- Shaping a hard stone into a cone
Aborginals- Original Australians, which arrived 60,000 years before European settlers.
Dreamtime- was a definition of the tribe’s origin which was filled with stories, values, costums and laws.
6-7 millions years ago Toumai skull was discovered
Then the Homo Erectus leaves East africa and goes to Eurasia
280,000 years ago homo sapiens appeared in africa lived in caves and began using their tools to fish and eat sea food.
80,000-60,000 years ago modern humans leave Africa and head to Europe
35,000 years ago Modern Humans ( Homo sapiens & Neanderthals) in Europe and Siberia. 11,500 years ago The ice age crisis occurs making it harder for human migrations and adaptation to the climate. Also Humans first entrance to the Americas.
Did they have a short or long lifespan?
Did they have leaders when it was time to migrate?