Simple Tics involve a certain amount of muscle groups, whereas, complex Tics involve a much larger amount of your muscle groups. Simple Tics are symptoms like: nose twitching, eye blinking, coughing and grunting. Complex Tics signs are: touching and smelling objects, bending and twisting, repeating his or her owns words, or blurting out vulgar phrases or words. Both complex and simple Tics can disturb your motor and vocal skills. (Tourette Syndrome, Mayoclinic) Tics can get worse as you enter your early teenage years, but start to improve as you enter your adulthood stage. Tics are also affected by your mood, if you are really excited, ill, or stressed/anxious it may cause you to have sudden movements or unwanted words/ phrases to occur more often. (Tourette Syndrome,
Simple Tics involve a certain amount of muscle groups, whereas, complex Tics involve a much larger amount of your muscle groups. Simple Tics are symptoms like: nose twitching, eye blinking, coughing and grunting. Complex Tics signs are: touching and smelling objects, bending and twisting, repeating his or her owns words, or blurting out vulgar phrases or words. Both complex and simple Tics can disturb your motor and vocal skills. (Tourette Syndrome, Mayoclinic) Tics can get worse as you enter your early teenage years, but start to improve as you enter your adulthood stage. Tics are also affected by your mood, if you are really excited, ill, or stressed/anxious it may cause you to have sudden movements or unwanted words/ phrases to occur more often. (Tourette Syndrome,