Felicia–Aurelia STĂNCIOIU, Professor PhD
Academy of the Economic Studies, Bucharest Octavian ARSENE, Director of the General Board for Development and International Relations, Ministry of the Small and Middle Enterprises, Trade, Tourism and liberal professions
Nicolae TEODORESCU, Professor PhD
Academy of the Economic Studies, Bucharest
Mirela MAZILU, Lecturer PhD
University of Craiova – University Centre of Drobeta Turnu Severin
Ioan COSMESCU, Professor PhD
„Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Roxana Cristina MARINESCU, Assistant Lecturer PhD
University of Craiova – University Centre of Drobeta Turnu Severin Key words: SWOT analysis, tourism destination, case study. Abstract:The SWOT analysis may be used for a tourism destination in order to turn into good account its tourism potential, as well as for the tourism enterprise and product. Due to this fact, after different SWOT analysis were finished concerning the tourism regions / areas in Romania, there were detected along the time some aspects which may have negative implications upon the next stage in the marketing of any destination. Starting from these observations, a conceptual-methodological approach of one destination represents a hard work which must have as its starting point the concept itself of “destination”. In the assessment of the destination of Oltenia de Sub Munte, for a better understanding of such analyses, there will be mainly considered the tourism product, respectively the ,,cultural tourism” (or the "cultural resource / artificial component „within the destination), without stipulating a certain market; and certain actions / generic activities, as strong points / weak points / opportunities / threats, valid for
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