Life and tourism in the year 2050
Abraham Pizam*
Department of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, P.O. Box 161400, Orlando, FL 32816-1400, USA
Abstract This article is an essay that represents the author 's personal vision of life and the state of the tourism industry in the year 2050. It describes the major expected developments in the areas of environment, demographics, economy and business, lifestyle and values, politics, housing, education, entertainment, shopping, and emerging technologies. It also speci"es the likely tourism evolution in arrivals and receipts, tourist attractions, transportation modes, and 1999 Published by Elsevier Science management of hospitality and tourism enterprises. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Future; Year 2050; Tourism forecasting; Futurism
1. Predicting the future Sam Goldwyn, a prominent Hollywood "lm producer who died in 1974 was reported to have advised his friends and colleagues to `never make forecasts, especially about the futurea. This being a sound advice, the following essay is not an attempt to forecast the future, but a sincere desire to share my vision of the future with the community of scholars and practitioners in the tourism and hospitality "eld. To this end I have been in#uenced by the doctrine of the French poet Antoine De SaintExupery who believed that `our task is not to foresee the future but to enable ita (The H Princeton Language Institute, 1993:189) and by the axiom of Prognostikos (1999) which states that `the best way to envision the future is to create ita. By stating this vision in the form of desired outcomes, it is my hope that numerous others will join me in making this future happen.
* Tel.: #1-407-823-6202; fax: #1-407-823-5696. E-mail address: (A. Pizam) 0278-4319/99/$ - see front matter 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 2 7 8 - 4 3 1 9 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 4 1 - 9
References: Princeton Language Institute (Eds.), 1993. 21st Century Dictionary of Quotations. Dell Publishing, New York. Prognostikos, 1999. July 28, 1999. The Cohousing Network, 1999. What is Cohousing? July 28, 1999. US Bureau of the Census, 1998. International Data Base.