The first distinguishable target for tourism is commercial. The country has set eases for foreigners who wanted to invest in the country. This strategy has led to a dramatic evolution in the country’s development which set the neighboring countries for the competition.
The second target for tourism is political. A small and young country has written its name in the international debates, many countries around the world have made good relationships with the UAE. This has led to good reputation for the country.
The third target is social. The people of the UAE have learnt a lot about other countries’ morals and social habits, it is more than breaking the ice, and it is more like removing intolerance, misunderstanding and hate. This will also give the tourists and idea about the Emirati people, making a clear and reflective image about the citizens.
But what are the undesirable effects of tourism. Some people think that too much foreigners in the country would set it on a national crisis, things like the cultural mixture would let to the loss of international identity, a part of the country’s history that every generation should keep as long as the UAE exists.
Many Emiratis, especially elders, condemn the behavior of wearing jeans and making odd hairstyles. They think it is a “Western” value and a habit that came with the tourism. But more dangerous and extraneous values have arrived; some habits that interfere with our religious and national morals can make a hot and controversial topic, and cause many problems that we were indispensable of them.
With a brief comparison, we see that the country have changed a lot during the last two decades. There were more of a stable relationships and marriages, there neighbourous familiarity was present and there were much less crimes at that time.
At the end, we are out of signs, every topic is clear and simple, the advantages and disadvantages are shown above, and it’s the time to decide. I agree with the idea that the tourism boom have gave our country a lot of benefits, apart from that we should move to repair out the cultural and moral gaps that outsourced from that. One tiny recommendation is to guide and instruct tourists when they arrive in our country; they should know what behaviors we hate and what we like. Not only in our country but, this system is applied in many countries around the world.