Name of the Student: Tapabrata Bhattacharyya
Roll Number: EEPM -05- 027
Professor: Dr. Atanu Adhikari
Table of Contents 1. Project Scope 2. Indian Tourism Statistics 3. What is Marketed 4. Evolution of Tourism in India 5. Why Tourism Marketing 6. Accessing Market opportunities and customer values in Tourism Marketing 7. Segmentation in Tourism Marketing 8. Tourism Marketing Positioning 9. Competition in Tourism Marketing 10. Tourism Micro Environment – Porter’s Five force analysis 11. Tourism Macro Environment – PEST Analysis 12. Tourism Product development and packaging 13. Marketing Programs in Indian Tourism 14. Bibliography
Project Scope:
The scope of the project is to study the low penetration of Tourism Marketing in India.
According to Hospitality 2015, a report published by Deloitte group stated that the middle classes of India and China will create new trends as their travel pattern evolve from domestic to regional to international. India alone will forecast to have 50 Million outbound tourists by 2020.
"In the emerging markets, the rise of the middle classes will drive significant new demand for both leisure and business hospitality," said Alex Kyriakidis, Global Managing Partner of Tourism Hospitality & Leisure at Deloitte. He also said the greatest future potential in these markets will lie in developing mid-market and economy brand products aimed at the domestic traveler.
Indian Tourism Statistics
From India Tourism Statistics 2011 released by Market Research Division of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, their Secretary Parvez Dewan says
” I have great pleasure in presenting "India Tourism Statistics 2011". The Ministry has been presenting tourism related data on a regular basis and this is the 54 in the series of such publications. This publication contains data on Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs), Foreign
Exchange Earnings
Bibliography: : Books: * Marketing Management by Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy, Mithileshwar Jha * Tourism Marketing by SM Jha * Tourism Marketing by Devashish Das Gupta Reports * Indian tourism Statistics 2011 published by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India * Segmenting the Tourism Market by Paul Williams