This course is designed to enhance the knowledge of the student, and also to sum up the vivid world of tourism. The subject matters introduce the students to the socioeconomic, environmental and cultural impact of the tourism industry. It also gives an overview of the travel sectors – their development, composition, and role in tourism as well as the different trends and types of operation of each sector.
◙ Desired learning Results
At the end of the semester, the students should able to:
1. Understand how tourism works and how it can be made to work them and their business. 2. Realize and justify the value of tourism that benefits humanity and the society in honor of the almighty. 3. Apply the principle that will guide them in planning and developing activities of tourism in the future. 4. Demonstrate concern and respect in the environment and society. 5. Become expert in all facets of travel activities. 6. Know the tourism’s growth and its impact on today’s world.
Period | Expected Lasallian Graduate Attribute(ELGA) | Desired Learning Objective | Topics | Performance Tasks/Assessment Tasks/ Finals product | Learning Activities | Resources | 1st – 2nd Week | God loving and socially concern | Explain and make sense of the meaning of tourism and its importance to humanities and to the country.Explain the impact of tourism in economic and environmental aspect. And as well as to understand the positive & negative effect of tourism. | I. The impact of tourism | * Individual research output of the importance and benefits of tourism. * Submission of data research on the positive & negative effect of tourism on the economy & society. | * Power point presentation for Group discussion and analysis of the impact of tourism in economy & society. | Principles of tourism part II(Updated edition)Zenaida L. Cruz, | 3rd week | Morally Upright | Explain the