This report mainly deals with the basic tourism based concepts and theories relating the same to a case study. The authors starts with a brief introduction on the topic going on to explaining the various impacts that tourism has on the host destination. Socio-cultural, economic and environmental concerns are tackled. The author then presents a case study on Botswana elaborating on the various reasons why Botswana’s tourism industry is poised to take a positive turn. The report also deals with various instances of Botswana’s economy and how it has been impacted by inflow of tourism.
Tourism, impact of tourism, Botswana tourism, Economy Botswana, Environmental concerns.
The long-term sustainability of tourism rests on the ability of community leaders and tourism professionals to maximize its benefits and reduce its costs. This fact sheet tabulates 87 tourism impacts within seven categories and divides the sources of tourism impacts into tourist-based causes and destination-based causes. This information, which was distilled from recent tourism research, provides a framework for talks, directions, and expansion regarding tourism. Formally addressing the impacts of tourism facilitates planning that helps a society create a sustainable tourism industry.
For decades tourism industry growth has been a major contributor to increased economic activity throughout the U.S. and the world. It has created jobs in both large and small communities and is a major industry in many places. It is the dominant economic activity in some communities. Yet, the impacts of tourism to a community are not widely understood – even where tourism is growing dramatically and should be of the greatest interest or concern.
Most people think of tourism in terms of economic impacts, jobs, and taxes. However, the range of impacts from tourism is broad and often influences areas beyond those commonly associated with tourism. Leaders as well as residents who
References: • WTTC Country Report: Botswana • Buhalis, D. 1999.Limits of tourism development in peripheral destinations: problems and challenges. Tourism Management 20(2): 183-185. • Haralambopoulos, N. and A. Pizam. 1996. Perceived impacts of tourism: The case of Samos. Annals of Tourism Research 23(3): 503-526. • Smith, M.D. and R.S. Krannich. 1998. Tourism dependence and resident attitudes. Annals of Tourism Research 25(4): 783-802. • Twining-Ward, L. 1999. Towards sustainable tourism development: observations