Level: 3 Credit: 8 Version: 2
Demonstrate knowledge of Australia as a tourist destination
Provider/School: ____________________ Student Name: ______________________ Date of Assessment:_________________
US 18211 Common Assessment Task US 18211 Demonstrate knowledge of Australia as a tourist destination Level: 3 Credit: 8 Version: 2
Student Name: NZQA Number:
Attempt Submission 1 Submission 2 Submission 3 Element 4 C / NYC C / NYC C / NYC
Element 1 C / NYC C / NYC C / NYC Element 5 C / NYC C / NYC C / NYC
Element 2 C / NYC C / NYC C / NYC Element 6 C / NYC C / NYC C / NYC Date Achieved
Element 3 C / NYC C / NYC C / NYC
Overall Competency Achieved ! Assessor Signature
Student Declaration I hereby certify that all the work included in this assessment is my own original work. I have not copied the assessment or any part of it or have allowed or will allow any other student to copy any part of the assessment. I have correctly acknowledged and referenced all sources of information used. Signature___________________________________________ Name______________________________________________ Date_______________________________________________
© ATTTO – Setting the standard for training in Aviation, Tourism, Travel and Museums Moderated and approved for use - March 2009. Ed 2 – June 2010
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US 18211 Common Assessment Task US 18211 Demonstrate knowledge of Australia as a tourist destination Level: 3 Credit: 8 Version: 2
Resources The following resources may be useful when completing this assessment: ! ‘US 18211 ATTTO Student Manual’ available from ATTTO ! For the map work an atlas or any other map may be used – there is no requirement for the maps to be blank ! Any travel guides, brochures or websites. Assessment Conditions ! This is an open book research assignment. Method of assessment ! Verbal and/or written answers ! Answers must be in student’s own words. Prerequisites Nil Definitions !