Toussaints call to rally the freed slaves on August 29th shows just how he thought that liberty and equality were the most importatnt bases for revolution, “’Brothers and friends. I am Toussaint L’Ouverture, my name is perhaps known to you. I have undertaken vengeance. I want Liberty and Equality to reign in San Domingo. I work ot bring them into existence. Unite yourselves to us, brothers, and fight withus for the same cause,’” (James 125). Toussaint is chosen as a leader because he is vocal and knows what he stands for. Not only did Toussaint and the slaves have to overcome oppressing masters, and a failing France, they had to defend San Domingo against British invasion. At this time the British navy was the largest in the world. James goes into great detail about why the British invasion would have been devastating to the newly freed slaves. James states, “On September 9th the British expedition of 900 men left Jamaica and landed at Jeremie.” (James 135). This first scouting excursion is Great Britain’s first attempt to see if the French and Haitian Revolution had destabled San Domingo enough to leave them susceptible to an attack. As the British arravied to San Domingo they were welcomed by the slave masters that had been over thrown. The wealthy plantation owners wanted the British to help them regain power, “All
Toussaints call to rally the freed slaves on August 29th shows just how he thought that liberty and equality were the most importatnt bases for revolution, “’Brothers and friends. I am Toussaint L’Ouverture, my name is perhaps known to you. I have undertaken vengeance. I want Liberty and Equality to reign in San Domingo. I work ot bring them into existence. Unite yourselves to us, brothers, and fight withus for the same cause,’” (James 125). Toussaint is chosen as a leader because he is vocal and knows what he stands for. Not only did Toussaint and the slaves have to overcome oppressing masters, and a failing France, they had to defend San Domingo against British invasion. At this time the British navy was the largest in the world. James goes into great detail about why the British invasion would have been devastating to the newly freed slaves. James states, “On September 9th the British expedition of 900 men left Jamaica and landed at Jeremie.” (James 135). This first scouting excursion is Great Britain’s first attempt to see if the French and Haitian Revolution had destabled San Domingo enough to leave them susceptible to an attack. As the British arravied to San Domingo they were welcomed by the slave masters that had been over thrown. The wealthy plantation owners wanted the British to help them regain power, “All