Charles Howell
The history management of thought suffers from a constricted definitionof its subject.
fields(marketing) cognate and fields(economics law) and areoftenneglected studies thesubject. term"thought" in of
tends be equated to to knowledge, thusgivena positivist and cast,or described instrumental in terms andthereby reduced a generalized to formof practice. history management
of thought, short,invitesmoreexpansive in treatment thanit hashitherto received. Thispaper explores potential the benefits an enlarged of definition.
focuses two economists, on EdwinGay of HarvardandRichard
Ely of the University of Wisconsin,who influencedthe development of management thought, whose and careers illuminate aspects it that havebeen of neglected previous in histories.
Bothareassociated institutions promoted with that scholarship, education, public and discourse about business itssocial and function-institutions whose in shaping role management thought received has little attention.
Both showed keeninterest therole of the statein economic a in life. Their advocacy
of regulatory fiscalpoliciessuggests ideasabouttechniques managing and that of grewupalongside ideas about politicalandsocial life, andthatin anysatisfactory account management of thought these strands two must interwoven. be Bothplayed a role in the professionalization economics theearlytwentieth of in century: their contribution management to thought highlights interconnections between two the fieldsthathaveyet to beexplored.
Gay and Ely are not the most prominent figuresof their era, either in management education in anyof theotherfieldswith whichtheyareassociated. or Their intellectual commitments, however, representative thoseof manyof are of theircolleagues, the themes their workpointtowardan
References: (Cambridge.1960). Metaphors, and PuzzleSolving,"Journalof Marketing, (Summer 1985), 11-23. (October 1936), 129-33. (Cambridge,1977). (Boston,1958). A (Cambridge,1991). (Chicago,1964). Edwin Gay(NewYork, 1968). Scholarship (Ithaca,1965). (October 1987), 3-18.