Coupling and veri cation
Report No: EM 2013.021 Coach: Dr. T. Ashuri Professor: F. van Keulen Specialization: Engineering Mechanics Type of report: MSc thesis Date: 2013-08-04
S.F. van den Broek
Master of Science Thesis
Precision and Microsystems Engineering
Coupling and Veri cation
Sander van den Broek August
Submitted in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering to the Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering Del University of Technology
A is thesis was typeset using the L TEX typesetting system originally developed by Leslie Lamport, based on TEX created by Donald Knuth.
e formatting of this thesis is based on the master thesis of Elvind Uggedal. e cover is based on the cover of the DCSC master thesis template. e photo on the cover is taken by the author, it features one of one of the testing turbines at NREL’s NWTC site at Louisville, CO, USA. e body text is set / . pt on a pc measure with Minion Pro designed by Robert Slimbach. is neohumanistic font was rst issued by Adobe Systems in and have since been revised. Other fonts include Sans and Typewriter from Donald Knuth’s Computer Modern family.
ABSTRACT e design of wind turbines is a multidisciplinary process. Most of the codes currently used in industry and academia use low delity models, which are not suitable for detailed design. is thesis describes the development of an aerostructural model for wind turbines with a high delity structural solver. is is done by coupling an existing high delity structural solver with an aerodynamic solver. Coupling is done by interfacing the components in Python. e aeroelastic solution is computed using the non-linear block Gauss-Seidel method. e code makes it possible to do